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Happy Video Reaction
After watching Netflix's "Happy", I ended up falling in love with the idea that happiness can truly be found anywhere. I learned that even in the worst situations, people can truly make the most out of anything. Some of these individuals are completely content with giving rickshaw rides barefoot throughout the unbearable heat of the summer and yet in America, people cannot stand working a 9-5 job in the air conditioning. This movie opened my eyes and made me truly realize how lucky I am. However, it also made me realize that I could be so much happier than I already am if I learn to make the most out of every situation I am given. I already won the lottery just by being born. Now? I need to act like I have won the lottery every single day of my life. These people do not care about money or status. They just care about being happy. I think everybody can learn something from this video. Nowadays, so many people take even the simplest things for granted. I once did, too. This video changed me to where I refuse to take anything for granted. After watching, I have learned from watching their happiness that maybe I can be that happy someday, too. And I will be. I cannot wait to see how much of an impact this video makes on this world. I hope all of you enjoyed it as much as I did. After watching, I realized that this is the kind of educational videos I want to show my kids someday. I want to show them that they can be just as happy as the kids from tribes in far away lands. I want to show them that they can learn something from other lands that America just cannot teach. I want to show them that more money will not give them more happiness. Of course, they will always have their basic needs met, but, I want to show them that doing something they love will bring them so much more happiness than doing something for extra money. I truly have enjoyed this film thoroughly and I cannot wait to see if they make a new one sometime in the near future. I would absolutely love to see more of what director Roko Belic has to offer. He truly hit home on this film and I am very impressed on how well this film flowed and on how well this film got its point across. Bravo, Mr. Belic.

Catherine Nguyen

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