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It started. But what exactly is “it”? Class? School? Work? War? No. “It” is evacuation. Evacuation of a city that was once thriving with economic success. Evacuation of a city that once housed the tallest buildings, the largest population, and the best industries. This place housed millions of talented, young, and promising generations. However, that is not the case anymore. Now? This place is the one place everybody wants to get away from. Why is that? Well, It’s due to pollution. Yes, their industries were successful, but they got greedy. They cared more about how much they could produce per second rather than how bad they were affecting the ecosystems around them.

This “place”? It’s name is forbidden now. The newest and best cars they produced this year are all being used to get away from the place that originally made them. Families, forced to leave the place they have called home for the first time in their lives… Millionaires, leaving their companies, just so that they can recreate them somewhere else… Children, leaving school and separating from their friends and education just in order to breathe in what they all once took for granted- fresh air. Maybe breathing out of canisters of clean air was something they could once deal with, or maybe face masks was once something they were okay with having to incorporate into their daily outfits. But, one thing is for sure. Those “quick fix” solutions are now failing, and people want to be healthy again. They don’t want to succumb to the toxic air that has already killed and incapacitated 26% of their population.

They knew that the waste and smoke they constantly produced would once come back to haunt their country. They just didn’t think they’d be around for it. Y’know? Leave the problems for the millennials to deal with when they’re your age. Ultimately, they brought this upon themselves. Their calculations say that their entire country will soon be uninhabitable for 60 years or more. Where will these citizens go? What will they do next? Will they repeat their same mistakes hoping that it will just not happen again? Nobody knows. All they do know is that they have to rely on each other to do whatever they can to survive in the new countries they must abide in and to find a way to stop this potentially never-ending cycle of pollution and ruin.

They may have ruined their country and the pollution may have reached and touched everybody's lungs but their children's spirits remained untouched. They have hope that their children can someday come up with an economic solution to make up for the mistakes they have made. Their faith is now completely in the hands of mere kids 18 and younger. Although they had to reach rock bottom to realize the damage they’ve caused, they truly believe that the next generations to come will be the ones to save their country- and potentially the entire world itself.

 Their Last Hope

Catherine Nguyen

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